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Christmas Markets, or Weihnachtsmarkts, highlight the
Austrian enjoyment of being outdoors. Small booths are assembled quickly
and crafts, food, and drink vendors come from all over to ply their wares, and
create a generally pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. The people love to
socialize around these fairs, be they in fair, warm weather or cold, rainy or
snowy weather. Actually, the colder the weather the more enjoyable, as the
food and drink is adjusted to the season! Christmas Markets are always
rich with Glhwein,
or hot mulled wine, and Punsch, or various alcoholic (and non-alcoholic)
fruit punches. In Vienna we have about 20 different markets open during
Christmas; one is quite large and touristy, but the others are smaller, more
local, and completely charming.
Austria has the tradition of Krampus (who visits Bad
Children) and Nicolas (who visits Good Children). They both visit on 6 December,
leaving either coal or a small present for the children. Here are some
images of Krampus - anyone you know? The cards say "Greetings from Krampus."