Fall 2002

Rome 2002


Thanksgiving, 2002, Vienna.
Fall Harvest Fest (Erntedankefest) at the Hoffburg Palace in Vienna [8 Sept.].

"Potatoes on tour!"

Chainsaw carving comes to Vienna.

The Jagdhornblsergruppe (hunting horn music group) ready to go into action (but notice, in the second picture, that they have a table replete with wine!).
The Wildschwein (wild pig) is nearly a national emblem, more popular here than in California.
Sat 7 Sept.  Mittelalterfest Eggenburg
The town is an old walled town dating to the 1100's, and a good setting for a Middle Ages festival, complete with events, food, and music.  Even chess competition.
Sept. 14 - Salzkammergut area, town of Saint Wolfgang.  We stayed at a farmhouse, hiked, walked, and enjoyed ourselves.

Emilie @ the Toplitzsee, reading in the twilight.

Day hiking at the POSTALM alpine area.  Wonderful late summer weather that many people enjoyed.  Lunch at the mountain huts is a real treat!

Emilie enjoying hot kakao (looking cool!)

The "Old Timer Traktor Club" was meeting at Saint Wolfgang this weekend.  Note the PORSCHE tractor (c. 1950!).  Most of the tractors were from the 1930-1955 period, but some were earlier - all were in excellent, running condition.
Fall hike in the Wienerwald
Sara and I accompanied Derek's class to the notable cemetaries of Vienna.  This is the Cemetary of the Nameless (mostly bodies that washed up on the Danube shores), and the Central Cemetary (home to Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and many others).  Note the Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) style headstone, and also the one where the man died in Thersianstadt (a WWII concentration camp).  Viennese are fascinated with death and the cemetaries are always popular visits.