We went to the Jgerball
(Hunters Ball)
with Gunther Brand and his girlfriend Cathy. Held in the
Imperial Hoffburg Palace, vast numbers of outdoor supporters, hunters, and
various people of all ages showed up dressed in traditional clothes.
The eagle you see is quite live! We danced, chatted, and had a good
time! Just underneath the eagle you can see Jrg
Haider, the infamous governor of Carinthia, the Austrian state which
sponsored the Jgerball
this year. Some good political ripostes were made by the various
introductory speakers.

81. Ball vom Grnen Kreuz
Jgerball in der Wiener Hofburg
28. Jnner 2002
Einlass: 20.00 Uhr
Erffnung: 21.00 Uhr
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