Oktober 2001




Okt. 7 2001

Schloss Riegersburg, Steiermark. This castle is the best preserved large castle in MittelEuropa, and with its' 11 bastions and 7 gates, and perch upon a tall rock, was never captured.

The view of this castle from afar or close is awesome - it is large even from a distance, and fully occupies the rock. There is even a partial moat on the top, as well as several vineyards!

One view looking from the top, over straight cliffs. Yes, those ARE grape vines on the left! We tasted the BurgWein - good!

Emilie Kalina, fortified with three napkins, trysting with her favorite Eis...


For the long siege, the vineyards were inside the walls and on top of the rock...

At the end of the month, Frederick visited from California, and we all took a break from our housebreaking activities.  We did some hiking around the Vienna woods, drove through the Wachau wine area, visited Gl in the Salzkammergut, and finally celebrated Derek's birthday just before Halloween.

Derek trying on Harry Potter's glasses...

Die Erste Vollkornbrot bäckerei at the pumpkin festival in the Wienerwald. Cool dude had great music playing while he baked in the sun.

Frederick, Sara, and Sören (our dog).

Wachau, late October 2001

Weissenkirchen in the Wachau

Sara at the RudolfsTurm, at Hallstat. This overlooks the lake and valley, and is 750 years old (Hallstat goes back 4500 years!).

Sara & Frederick

We visited Hallstat on National Day, when every house is flying the flag. Note the three story espaliered pear tree!

The farmhouse we stay at in Gößl, near the Grundlsee.


Derek's first adult tie is somewhat too large still. We are going to dinner at Schloss Moosburg.

Oct 28

The kids at the Kurbis (pumpkin) festival in the Vienna Woods. Austria has adopted (just in the past few years) the Pumpkin Carving habit with enthusiasm, combined with a newly found enthusiasm for Halloween. Our kids look like experts when carving, but I notice the Austrian kids are improving rapidly.